Events Calendar

See Lectures & Seminars for a listing of upcoming lectures, seminars and group discussions planned.


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We’re celebrating the start of an amazing holiday season and our inviting guests to view our newest addition to the experience at WWII American Experience, the taxi from “it’s a Wonderful Life!”
“It’s a Wonderful Life” is one of the most popular Christmas classic movies and many of us remember George Bailey returning to his home in a taxi after his conversations with his Guardian Angel, Clarence, only to find it in shambles. He quickly realizes how wonderful life is with him in it. We’re excited to have that same taxi join us for the holiday season. We hope the taxi also transports you to a magical time of year! The transformational taxi from “It’s a Wonderful Life!” will be on display from November 19th through December 31st.
 “It’s a Wonderful Life!” taxi exhibit is included in Museum Admission. 
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