Events Calendar

See Lectures & Seminars for a listing of upcoming lectures, seminars and group discussions planned.


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The site of one of the US Army’s greatest battles hosts a day-long seminar on the other. Gettysburg’s World War II American Experience has organized a powerful day-long lineup of speakers for the first annual Gettysburg Bulge conference.


Focusing heavily on the GI level experience, speakers will address the very beginnings of the battle (106th division, Malmedy Massacre), breaking the siege of Bastogne, the experiences of individual soldiers during the battle and upon their return years later, and the leadership challenges faced by Ike.

Speakers include Andrew Biggio, Stuart Dempsey, Leon Reed, Jim Triesler, and Tom Vossler.

Saturday, January 27

Registration begins at 8:30am.

Conference begins at 9:00am.

Tickets available online with a donation of $40.00 for Non-Members and $25.00 for Members of

WWII American Experience. Museum Admission included. Lunch items available for purchase.




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